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Cheesing with E
                                 Emily Forest 


Rationale: This lesson teaches children about the long vowel correspondence ee=/E/. In order to be able to read, children must learn to recognize the spellings that map out word pronunciations. In this lesson children will learn to recognize, spell, and read words containing o. They will learn a meaningful representation (saying “chEEse” at the doctor’s office), they will spell and then read words containing this vowel in a letterbox lesson, and finish by reading a decodable book that focuses on the ee=/E/ vowel correspondence.



  • Markers

  • Graphic of person smiling (cheesing) for the camera

  • Assessment Worksheets

  • Pencils

  • Class copies of The Green Feast

  • Letterboxes and letter manipulatives for each child

  • Magnetic letterboxes with letter manipulatives: ee, s, w, t, k, p, m, w

  • List of spelling words to put up for students



1. Say: This week we will be working the long vowel /E/. We have already worked with the short vowel sound /e/ with words like pen, wet, led, and pet. Today we will be learning about the long e with a silent e behind it. When I think about the long vowel E, I like to remember it by saying cheese like I am smiling for the camera. (Show picture of cheesing for the camera)


2. Say: First we are going to work on pronouncing the long e sound. When we pronounce the long e, our mouths spread out like      a smile. So let’s all try it a repeat the long e sound. While doing this, take your hand and feel what shape your mouth is in. Now      we will move on to words that have this sound in them. When I say the word I want you to say it with me after. The first word is        greet. Now say it with me G-r-ee-t. Did you feel how your mouth spread when you said the /E/ sound? The next word is sweep.        Now say it with me s-w-ee-p. There are also many more words that have the long e sound like creep, speed, and sleet.


3. Now that we know how our mouth feels when we say the long vowel e and what it sounds like, we are going to practice spelling other words. I am going to model how to spell words with the /E/ sound. So I am going to demonstrate how to do the letter box spelling with our letter boxes. Before I begin spelling the word, I am going to look at how many phonemes are in the word. The first word I am going to do is sweet. So we have s-w-EE-t. So, there are four phonemes in this word so I am going to get out four boxes. So we have s in the first one, w in the second one, the double e in the third, and t in the fourth box. Then we have the word sweet. (Be sure to highlight/underline the ee sound in the boxes.)


4. Alright you guys are going to practice doing this.

  • First, we will start with three boxes. So, the first word we have is feet. I sometimes forget to wash my [feet]. So, what do you think will go in the first box? [listens and responds to answers] What do you think goes in second box? [responds to answers] Lastly, what goes in third box? [responds to answers] [Give praise for participation] What word did we spell? (wait for them to repeat it back) Feet, great job!  

  • Now I am going to call one person up to try the next one.  Okay class this word is keep. “My friend gave me a necklace to [keep].” Okay, now what goes in the first box? [respond to answers] What about the second box? [respond to answers] Lastly what goes in the third box? [respond to answers] [Give praise] What word is that? (wait for them to repeat it back) Keep! Now I will call someone else up.

  • Alright class the new word we will be doing is meet. Like “I got to meet my friend’s puppy today.” What goes in the first box? [respond to answers] What will we be putting in the second box? [respond to answers] Lastly what goes in the third box? [respond to answers] [Give praise] What word did we spell? (wait for them to repeat it back) Meet!

  • We are going to do one last example and I will be putting the answers on the board.

  • Alright the word is weep Like, “I stubbed my toe and it made me weep.” So in the first box what will put up? [respond] What about in the second box? [respond] Lastly what about the third one? [respond to answers] [Give praise] What word did we spell? (wait for them to repeat it back) Weep! Great job.

5. Say: Now we are going to work on finding the double /E/ words. Only focus on the double e words. You are going to say the words out loud that matches the picture and then cut out the pictures and match the picture with the word. (As students work on the worksheet, walk around the room to make sure each student is understanding.) When students are done take up the work sheets and assess.


6. Say: Now we are going to work on reading the /E/ sound. We are going to read The Green Feast from Fun and Games with Lad and Slim. Nate sits down for dinner with his friend Tim and Jan. But he is not a big fan of veggies which means no dessert for Nate. Will Nate eat his veggies for dessert? Will he sneak dessert and not eat his veggies? [Break them into groups and have them all work on reading.] (Be sure to walk around and observe.)




Jenna Repoll, Peek-A- Boo with /E/.


Ivy Hughes, A Confused Caveman says “uuuhhh”


Book: Murray, B. & Murray, Gerri. Fun and Games with Lad and Slim-:A green Feast. 2019


Assessment Worksheet: Follow this link to find the pdf.

Then print off page 6 from the downloadable pdf.


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